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71 Speers Rd Unit 10, Oakville, ON L6K 0J2

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(905) 582-2217

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(905) 582-4339


Comprehensive Care for Common Concerns: Minor Ailments Expertly Addressed

At Palms Pharmacy, we understand that even minor ailments can be major disruptions to your daily life. That’s why we’ve dedicated a specialized section of our services to address these common health challenges. From medication allergies to Lyme disease, our experienced team offers expert advice, treatment, and care tailored to your individual needs. Dive into our detailed guide on each ailment to better understand, manage, and alleviate your concerns. Your well-being is our utmost priority, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Internal Medicine

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$ 42.00 / Checkup


Recipe Review

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.

$ 15.00 / Checkup

Medication Allergy Treatment

Each year, countless individuals experience adverse reactions to medications. At Palms Pharmacy, we specialize in medication allergy treatment. Our skilled professionals can determine the cause of the allergy, provide recommendations for alternative medications, and offer guidance on how to manage or prevent future allergic reactions. Your health is paramount, and our goal is to ensure that your treatments are both effective and safe.

Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment

Battling with red, flaky skin? Seborrheic dermatitis can be both uncomfortable and a blow to one’s confidence. At Palms Pharmacy, our tailored treatments for dermatitis address the root cause, providing lasting relief. We stay ahead with innovative solutions, ensuring that your skin receives the best care possible.

Gastroenteritis Treatment

Stomach upsets, especially those caused by gastroenteritis, require prompt and effective treatment. Our experts at Palms Pharmacy offer comprehensive gastroenteritis treatment solutions, from viral gastroenteritis to gastroenteritis headache treatments. We understand the importance of your gut health and are committed to restoring it.

Hemorrhoid Medication

Facing the discomfort and pain of hemorrhoids? Our hemorrhoid medication offerings provide relief from even the most painful hemorrhoids. Whether you’re seeking oral medication or topical treatments, our selection ensures you find the right fit for your needs

Herpes Treatment

With the stigmatization around herpes, many feel hesitant to seek treatment. At Palms Pharmacy, our discreet and professional herpes treatment solutions, be it for genital herpes or oral, offer effective relief and guidance on managing outbreaks.

Impetigo Treatment

Impetigo, a highly contagious skin condition, demands prompt attention. Our impetigo treatment creams and solutions at Palms Pharmacy ensure rapid healing, minimizing the risk of spread. Let’s combat this together, ensuring your skin returns to its radiant best.

Insect Bite Treatment

Insect bites can range from mildly irritating to severe. Whether you’re grappling with swelling, itching, or rashes, our treatment for insect bites provides rapid relief. Dive into our natural and effective treatments, ensuring outdoor adventures remain enjoyable.

Urticaria Treatment

Urticaria, commonly known as hives, can be a distressing experience. Whether triggered by the cold, sun, or other factors, our urticaria treatment options offer immediate relief. Trust in Palms Pharmacy for treatments that prioritize your comfort.

Musculoskeletal Pain Relief

Whether stemming from an injury or chronic condition, musculoskeletal pain can be debilitating. Explore our musculoskeletal pain relief options, tailored to offer targeted relief, ensuring you regain mobility and comfort.

Tick Bite Treatment

With the risks associated with tick bites, including Lyme disease, timely treatment is essential. Palms Pharmacy’s comprehensive tick bite treatment in Ontario ensures you’re protected. From antibiotics to preventative care, we’ve got you covered.

Lyme Disease Medication

Navigating Lyme disease can be challenging. At Palms Pharmacy, our Lyme disease medication and prevention solutions prioritize your health. Our experts are here to guide you every step, ensuring effective management and recovery.

Candida Prescription Treatments

Candida infections can be uncomfortable and persistent. Dive into our candida prescription treatments for targeted relief. At Palms Pharmacy, we ensure you receive treatments that are both effective and tailored to your unique needs.

Newly Expanded Treatment Options

Stay ahead of your health with our newly expanded minor ailment services at Palms Pharmacy. As of October 1, 2023, we’re excited to offer treatments for additional conditions like acne, allergic rhinitis, oral thrush, and more. Our expert team is ready to provide tailored solutions for these ailments, ensuring you receive the most effective care. Dive into our latest offerings and experience a new level of personalized healthcare.

Acne Management: Clear Skin Starts Here

Struggling with acne? Palms Pharmacy offers specialized acne treatments that cater to your unique skin needs. Our expert team provides personalized consultations to determine the best approach for your acne, whether it’s mild or severe. Discover our range of effective medications and topical treatments designed to clear your skin and boost your confidence. Visit us for a comprehensive acne solution, and embark on your journey to healthier, clearer skin.

Allergic Rhinitis Relief: Breathe Freely Again

Allergic rhinitis can disrupt your daily life, but Palms Pharmacy is here to help. We provide expert advice and effective treatments for allergic rhinitis, including the latest antihistamines and nasal sprays. Our team will work with you to identify triggers and manage symptoms, ensuring you breathe easily and enjoy life without allergies. Contact us for personalized care and start feeling relief today.

Soothing Solutions for Canker Sores

Painful canker sores can be a nuisance, but Palms Pharmacy has the remedy. We offer a variety of treatments for aphthous ulcers, from topical creams to oral medications. Our pharmacists are experts in providing fast-acting, soothing solutions to reduce discomfort and speed up healing. Visit us for immediate relief and expert advice on preventing future outbreaks.

Oral Thrush Treatment: Regain Your Oral Health

Candidal stomatitis, or oral thrush, can be uncomfortable, but Palms Pharmacy offers effective treatments for quick relief. Our experienced team provides antifungal medications and mouthwashes to target the infection, ensuring a rapid return to comfort. Contact us for a consultation and take the first step towards restoring your oral health.

Comprehensive Conjunctivitis Care

Conjunctivitis can be irritating and contagious, but Palms Pharmacy provides expert care for all types. Whether you’re dealing with bacterial, allergic, or viral conjunctivitis, we have the right treatment for you, from antibiotic eye drops to anti-allergy medications. Visit us for a thorough assessment and personalized treatment plan.

Dermatitis Relief: Comfort for Your Skin

Dermatitis, whether it’s atopic, eczema, allergic, or contact, requires specialized care. Palms Pharmacy offers a range of treatments, including corticosteroid creams and emollients. Our pharmacists are committed to helping you find relief and maintain healthy skin. Contact us for a personalized approach to managing your dermatitis effectively.

Gentle Care for Diaper Dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis can be distressing for both babies and parents. At Palms Pharmacy, we provide gentle yet effective treatments to soothe your baby’s skin and promote healing. Our range of products is safe for sensitive skin, ensuring your little one stays comfortable. Visit us for expert advice and the right solution for your baby’s skin care.

Dysmenorrhea Relief: Easing Menstrual Pain

Don’t let menstrual pain hold you back. Palms Pharmacy offers effective treatments for dysmenorrhea, from pain relievers to hormonal therapies. Our caring team will help you find the best solution to manage your symptoms and restore your comfort. Contact us to discuss your options and get the relief you deserve.

Effective GERD Treatments: Find Your Relief

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) can be uncomfortable, but Palms Pharmacy has effective solutions. We provide a range of treatments, including antacids and proton pump inhibitors, tailored to your symptoms. Our team is here to guide you towards managing your acid reflux effectively. Visit us for a personalized consultation and start feeling better today.

Nausea Relief During Pregnancy: Safe and Effective Care

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy can be challenging, but Palms Pharmacy offers safe and effective solutions. Our knowledgeable pharmacists provide medications and advice to manage these symptoms gently, ensuring the well-being of both you and your baby. Contact us for compassionate care and the support you need during this special time.

Yeast Infection Treatment: Restore Your Balance

Vulvovaginal candidiasis, or yeast infections, can be uncomfortable, but Palms Pharmacy offers effective relief. We provide antifungal medications and expert advice to restore your body’s natural balance. Our discreet and caring approach ensures your comfort and privacy. Visit us for a consultation and get back to feeling your best.

Pinworms and Threadworms: Quick and Effective Treatment

Dealing with pinworms or threadworms can be distressing, but Palms Pharmacy offers fast and effective treatments. Our expert team provides oral medications and topical treatments to eliminate these parasites quickly and safely. Visit us for a discreet consultation and regain your peace of mind.

UTI Treatment: Fast Relief, Lasting Comfort

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) require prompt treatment, and Palms Pharmacy is here to help. We offer a range of antibiotics and pain relief options for quick and effective UTI management. Our pharmacists provide personalized advice to prevent future infections and ensure your lasting comfort. Contact us for a consultation and experience fast relief.


 For Palms Pharmacy’s Services

What sets Palms Pharmacy's treatments apart from others?

At Palms Pharmacy, our commitment to personalized health solutions and innovation ensures we provide treatments that are both cutting-edge and tailored to individual needs.

How can I know which treatment is right for my condition?

Our trained professionals are on hand to guide you. With a detailed consultation, we ensure you receive the treatment best suited for your unique ailment.

Are there any side effects to the treatments offered?

While most of our treatments have minimal to no side effects, it’s always essential to consult with our pharmacists. We prioritize your safety and ensure you are well-informed.

How quickly can I expect relief from my symptoms?

The effectiveness varies based on the ailment and treatment. However, many of our treatments offer immediate to rapid relief.

Ready for a healthier, vibrant life? Discover the best treatments tailored just for you. Consult with Us Today!